Studying at FernFH

Is distance learning the right thing for me?

You want to study but do not yet know exactly how and where? A distance learning programme (at the FernFH) could be the ideal form of studying for you. Find out here.

You want to study, but you need time and location flexibility because you might be working part-time or looking after a child, or because it is geographically impossible for you to travel to the University (of Applied Sciences) every day? With distance learning you can still get your academic degree in such situations. Some requirements are, among others, that you work with different online tools and want to spend a large part of your studies in virtual space, of course together with fellow students and lecturers. At the FernFH, for example, the lynchpin is the Online Campus: here students find all the learning materials and forums for exchange. Group work is also done virtually. And support from the lecturers is a matter of course.

A particularly important criterion for distance learning is good self-organisation, peppered with discipline. At the FernFH, the students divide their learning workload during the self-defined distance learning phases themselves, they can also decide where they set up their virtual lecture room - all what they need is a laptop, PC or tablet and a functioning Internet connection. And they should be prepared to invest at least 20 hours per week in their studies.

If you are still not quite sure whether distance learning – perhaps even at the FernFH – is the right thing for you: Take yourselves nevertheless five minutes time and make the following
Online test "Fit for distance learning" (only available in German)… and maybe you will find answers to your questions:

You still have questions about distance learning or the FernFH? Please contact our Information for applicants.