Legal notice
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information requirements pursuant to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act
Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH - Distance-Learning University of Applied Sciences
Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule GmbH is a limited company. The competent accreditation authority is the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (www.aq.ac.at).
The company uses the trademark "Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH".
Media owner and publisher
Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche Ring 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Austria, Europe
T: +43 2622 32600
M: office(at)fernfh.ac.at
VAT ID: 62482824
Commercial register number: 274853x
Commercial court: Wiener Neustadt Commercial Court
Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche Ring 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Austria, Europe
Executive Management
Axel Jungwirth, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule GmbH and FERNFH Management & Service GmbH
Alexander Fleischer, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of FERNFH Management & Service GmbH
Purpose of the business
The purpose of the company is
- to develop, organise and execute degree programmes, in particular to establish, maintain and operate degree programmes in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act on University of Applied Sciences Degree Programmes (FHStG) as amended from time to time, in the distance learning mode of study;
- to execute applied research;
- to perform publishing and printing activities;
- to trade goods of all kinds;
- to acquire, sell, rent, lease and manage real estate of all kinds;
- to invest in other companies and enterprises
and to execute all transactions and measures that appear necessary or useful for the fulfilment of the company's objectives. Expressly excluded from the business purpose are all bank transactions and all activities governed by the Financial Market Authority.
Basic direction
Provision of information and services for interested parties, students, graduates and cooperation partners of Ferdinand Porsche FERNFH degree programmes.
Ownership structure, shareholder structure and voting rights
100% FERNFH Management & Service GmbH
Ferdinand Porsche Ring 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt
Concept, design, technology
LimeSoda Interactive Marketing GmbH
The layout of the website, the graphics and pictures used as well as the collection of individual contributions are protected by copyright. FERNFH reserves all rights including the rights of photomechanical reproduction, duplication and distribution by means of special processes (e.g. data processing, data storage media and data networks), either in whole or in part.
Liability note
FERNFH endeavours to keep this website up-to-date, correct and complete. However, errors cannot be excluded. FERNFH does not accept liability for the accuracy, content or completeness of the information provided on this website. We expressly distance ourselves from the contents of all sites linked to our website, and we assume no responsibility for their content. This declaration applies to all links on this website.
- Privacy Police